I am a user of Facebook, but not a real fan. By stating this some may feel it’s pointless to read on. Well let me confess, I have tried to understand our global fascination with Facebook. Why is it so popular? What makes it different than any other platform? Is it just another passing fad or the next MySpace? No, what Facebook represents is the nature of the Internet and technology. We all remember AOL, right? Did you get one of those CD’s in the mail? Or do you even know what mail is? Have you ever used a pen? Do you remember Compuserve? How about the Apple Newton? Sega? Atari? Napster? Netscape? Novell? Palm? A library? Alright, libraries are not dead yet, thankfully. I could go on and on, but can you see a pattern? All of these services were once powerful and amazing, at one point. They pushed limits and moved us forward into a new space. But alas, all good things must come to an end, right?
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By: Manuel Andrew James
Originally posted on “The G.T.A Patriot” web blog.