by Manny | Oct 25, 2015 | Microsoft, Technology
Just finished installing #MSOffice on #Ubuntu Wily Werewolf using PlayOnLinux. A surprisingly fairly smooth install. All I need now is Adobe to do the same. Embrace Linux everyone. #ResistanceIsFutile
by Manny | Jan 12, 2015 | IoT, Security, Technology
Well it did not take long for the Internet, and the world, to be introduced to a new threat. On the heels of the Heartbleed bug comes a new vulnerability, which may turn out to be far worse. The vulnerability, discovered in September of 2014, has ramifications across...
by Manny | Sep 4, 2013 | Microsoft, Technology
Well it looks like Microsoft has opted to go “all in”.  I can only hope that the move will totally reshape the mobile industry and Microsoft’s future. By adding consumer hardware to it’s portfolio Microsoft now gains the expertise of...
by Manny | Apr 11, 2012 | Technology
Ultra cool! Not sure if we need to say anything else about Project Glass. A device that has future written all over it. However we have to remember that this is Google and they have a habit of introduction technology to push the masses forward. I wonder how long...
by Manny | Mar 28, 2012 | Technology
It’s been more than two years and my over-the-air antenna, Apple TV and Netflix configuration has helped me to save a substantial amount of money. To be perfectly honest the experiment started when I began to observe that family members were not watching the TV;...
by Manny | Nov 18, 2010 | Security, Technology, The Web We Weave
When you purchase a home it comes with a door and a lock. You always will make sure that the door/lock exist and that the lock is working properly. If you want you can aim to further secure your home against any threats. You may purchase a new security system, an...